The Daily Harbinger
August 2001 The Harbinger Archive

Saint Day

St Danny, patron saint of sacked journalists.

Quote of the day
Editor, Daily Harbinger


In the Harbinger on Sunday...



Harbinger sold out to PAP
After twelve months of hard negotiation, The Daily Harbinger and Harbinger On Sunday has been taken over by PAP Newswire.

The hostile bid for The Daily Harbinger came just twenty four hours after the Chairman of the Daily Harbinger appeared on national television explaining why the Daily Harbinger would never merge with the media group PAP.

Speaking on the BBC's Newsnight programme, presenter Jeremy Paxman told the Chairman of The Daily Harbinger, "Ha, ha, you got it wrong. I was right and you were wrong".

The Chairman of the Daily Harbinger said, "Tossers".

The Daily Harbinger is dead. The daily newspaper is thought to have suddenly stopped breathing.

PAP Newswire can be found at:

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Takeover index
The Takeover index closed one smug company better higher at 34,356.

It was all a mistake.




All content copyright The Daily Harbinger 2001